• Return policy is applicable within 7 days of purchase. After 7 days, customers please no refunds and exchanges.
  • To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original, unused condition.
  • Ask for a receipt or receipt when returning products.
  • Please do not send your item back to the manufacturer.
  • In case your product is defective when purchased at Japan Health & Beauty, please contact email or call hotline 0968830323 for instructions on how to resolve.
  • In the event of a defective or damaged product, it must be documented within 7 days of receipt of the product. Please send your order information along with information about the defective product to email
  • For orders purchased as a combo or set, all products must be returned intact.
  • This return policy does not apply to items that have been announced on the web as non-refundable or exchange-free at the website
  • We are not responsible for refunds in case the customer buys the wrong product.
  • All returned products will be re-checked through the website system and we have the right to take refund measures through the following forms: the bank account you used to pay for the order, or 1-1 return (we will bear the shipping cost).
  • Returns that do not meet the above requirements will be considered damaged and will not be refunded.
REFUND (if applicable)
  • When your product is returned, the Japan Health & Beauty staff will check and then we will send you an email notifying you that we have received your returned product. We will also notify you of the acceptance or refusal of the refund.
  • If your returned order is eligible for a refund, your refund will be processed, a credit transfer will automatically be sent to your credit card or refund via your payment method at first, the Refunds are subject to bank processing time.
  • Refunds are delayed or misleading (if applicable)

-If you haven’t received your refund, please check your bank account first.

-Then contact your credit card issuer, it may take some time for your account to be updated.

-When you contact your bank, there is usually a processing time before the refund is updated.

-If you have done the whole process above and you still have not received your refund, please contact us at or call hotline 0968830323.


We do not process refunds for purchases of products with promotional prices.

REFUND (if any)
We only accept products if defective or damaged. If you need to return, email us at and send your order to: 237 Hai Ba Trung, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, TP. Ho Chi Minh, hotline 0968830323.

To return your product, you should send your product to the address: 237 Hai Ba Trung, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, TP. Ho Chi Minh City, hotline 0968830323.

Depending on where you live, the return period will vary.